2nd Edition:

Love & Happiness

Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, is one of the world’s most famous and well-read poets. His vision, words, and life continue to teach us to reach inner peace, happiness, and LOVE.

“Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.”

– Jelaluddin Rumi


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A therapeutic technique easily learned and made ritual through practice. It is the mental state of Awareness – of Being Present. Mindfulness is calmly tuning into your feelings, thoughts, and body sensations, resulting in a more peaceful state of mind. Ahh…

Many Ways of Giving Thanks

Many Ways of Giving Thanks

Trish Ahjel Roberts, author of 12 Steps to Mind-Blowing Happiness, shares her thoughts on the importance of giving thanks. Not just on November 25th, but every day of the year.

Sustain(Ability), Let’s Discuss Ethical Investments

Sustain(Ability), Let’s Discuss Ethical Investments

Last month’s announcement of Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex’s, new role as “impact officers” at ethical fintech firm Ethic set off fireworks in financial markets heard around the world. We asked recently retired Certified Financial Planner designate, Jerome McKenzie*, a 30-year veteran in the finance industry to shed light on this news and what it can mean for you.



I’ve been moving my entire life. I came up during a time when movement was a way of life for kids, and play was physical. No matter the weather, rain, sleet, or snow – we went out to play.  Among other activities, we played Hide & Seek, Jump Rope, and rode our bikes.

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Home Offices that Werrrrk

Home Offices that Werrrrk

As the pandemic swept the country, American workers retreated to the comfort of their own homes. While COVID 19 might soon be a thing of the past, are workers ready to part with their jammies? Though the answer remains to be seen, we’ll share our secrets to making the most of your home office.

Wines Under $20

Wines Under $20

Wine can be such a heady hobby. Pun intended. We’ve all seen the pompous connoisseur masterfully swirling a large glass of a velvety red wine, dipping flared nostrils in said bowl, tasting, gargling, and chewing the wine before thoughtfully exclaiming: “I taste the essence of wet sweat socks, dried under a Tuscan sun in mid-July.” Just when we all thought it tasted like — grapes! The often perpetuated misnomer is that wines are unapproachable and best left to snooty people who drink everything with a pinky out.

Yep Yep

Yep Yep

Industry professionals connected to Oswald Morgan all stop to review his Facebook posts when aptly titled, “Yep Yep.”

About F&WS

Food & Wellness Solutions is a digital media platform on a mission to shift the narrative around living a healthier lifestyle. Founded by Karen Harper and husband Oswald Morgan, our goal is to share our life experiences and perspectives in collaboration with friends, family, colleagues from across age, locales, space with a focus on all things food and wellness-related…

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