
By Jennifer Harper

Dave Chappell so eloquently proclaimed during his 2015 Netflix special, “You know what kills more black people than anything, more than the police or terrorism?  Salt! ni**a, regular-ass table salt!”

America’s love affair with salty foods has been linked to alarming rates of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. More than 4 in 10 American adults have high blood pressure; among Black adults, that number is 6 in 10, as stated by the F.D.A. 

Although my mother, Mildred lived to the spry age of 91 (her mother 102), acute ailments struck her throughout life and eventually contributed to a sudden cognitive decline that was miraculously reversed, thanks to an integrative approach to health care: Stopping the consumption of ingredients that have been known for decades to be directly linked to reversible ailments, and even cancer, and replace them with healthy alternatives.

Integrative medicine, which gets to the root cause of ailments and issues, understands the importance that nutrition and other factors play in our health and provides preventative treatment. While traditional doctors often wait until there is a diagnosis, before then prescribing drugs or surgery, or nothing at all; instead of seeking preventative measures.

It’s simple now, but I learned the hard way that there is a direct relationship between what you put in your mouth, like traditional table salt, and your health and the importance of greatly reducing/eliminating salt from your diet to aid in overall wellness.

Receiving nutrition through a series of IV therapy reversed my mother’s cognitive decline – literally after the first treatment – therefore, greatly improving the quality of her life in her final years. 

When it became necessary to completely eliminate salt from her diet, I got hip to try fresh herbs and spices to flavor my mom’s favorite meals. My experimentation resulted in just the right taste profile for a Salt-FREE Seasoning.

Click to enlarge.

Even after 90 plus years of eating and cooking with salt, salt pork, salty bullion cubes, and any and all salt-based products, my mom still found the seasoning blend to be an acceptable substitute. I could tell because she never asked for the salt shaker.

If you just need to reduce your salt intake, in addition to Salt-Free options, opt for Pink Himalayan salt which is a more balanced and healthy choice in comparison to common table salt. High-quality Pink Himalayan salt is actually one of the purest salts you can find. Source + infographic

Believe me – a simple change in meal planning and choices can lead to better quality and quantity of life. With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, along with the tradition to (over) indulge until our bellies are beyond full and feet swollen, I advise drinking lots of water before your meal, limit your portions of high sodium or unhealthy foods to 3 or 4 small bites, and after go for a nice (at least 30 minutes) walk.


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