By Ron Shipmon

Sustainability has been crossing boundaries in all areas of society for decades. The common debate is often driven by politics or involves public health issues, carbon footprints, or renewable clean energy. 

However, the most commonly overlooked example of Sustainability is Art, the finest model of sustainability.


“Why?”  Because the basic values in art stem from the desire to communicate meaningfully experiences that resonate over time. 

If sustainability is a movement toward long-term well-being and the impact on a better future, then art is its natural most ardent partner. 

By creating environmentally conscious work using recycled materials, Daniela Puliti elevates the conversation of sustainability and encourages the viewer to explore alternative ideals of that definition.  Called “upcycling or second chance,” she applies a post-consumption spin to her work; using discarded materials, she creates art from popsicle sticks, plastic spoons, yarn, mesh wire, scouring pads, old garments, and wire hangers. She’s saving the planet one painting or sculpture at a time. 

Title: Budding Gardener. Year: 2017, Materials: assorted acrylic yarn, jute, plastic flowers, wood, spray paint, sneakers, glitter, ribbon, fabric, polyester fiber fill. Dimensions: 72 x 40 x 36 inches 
The 3-dimensional anthropomorphic crocheted tapestry is a commentary on confusion, tension, balance, and a celebration of the female form. 

Puliti’s work is intentional and hopeful.  She creates with the belief that the materials retain a certain level of meaningfulness when they are reused. And that they have an aura, a history, that should be shared and retold.

Whether it’s remnants of a loved one’s clothing or shoes found in a thrift store, her work speaks about love. The byproduct of that is sustainability, not altruistic love of the environment, but using what is before her and giving those items a second chance to speak. In the winding and unpredictable art world, these works create a tapestry for life.

Title: Jester Gestures (Diptych), Year: 2016, Materials: yarn, glitter, fabric, ribbon, plastic beads, buttons, boots, gutter drains, pantyhose, curtain ties, rhinestones, metal keyrings. Dimensions: 77 x 156 x 29 inches Jester Gestures is inspired by 20th century multidisciplinary artist Josef Albers’ color theory, which states “our perception of color can change depending on the adjacent colors rather than being a fixed truth.” 

Ron Shipmon is an art advisor, curator, and appraiser specializing in contemporary, emerging, and digital art.


  1. LaWana

    Great piece by Mr. Shipmon, everything can be transformed into anything.. amazing

  2. Charles Donahue

    In his own way Mr.Shipmon has placed his stamp on the sustainability movement. He has taken everyday words and recycled them into a beautiful narrative that honors the work of Ms. Puliti. Bravo.

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