Forest Bathing

By Liezel Lane

Time spent in nature is good for us. On the heels of a recent article in the NY Times, and a feature in last year’s National Geographic, we ask our resident guru, Liezel Lane, exactly what is Forest Bathing?

It’s something I simply do not get enough of; but when I do indulge, the air, the water, the smells, the connection with nature – the essence of Forest Bathing – feeds my soul and nourishes my emotional integration.

Forest Bathing is simply walking in nature, whether on a path, a hike in the mountains, or being consciously present in your own backyard. I love walking in dense forests with very high trees and a lot of wildlife. Growing up in South Africa, we were accustomed to being very respectful of the eco-language of the wild and honoring the boundaries of being a visitor but also being one with the quiet sounds and ebb and flow of the environment. 

6 Important tips for creating a Forest Bathing Ritual, whether at your local park or places around metro Atlanta, such as Arabia Mountain, Stone Mountain, Silver Comet Trail, and The Greenway are:

  • Go Alone
  • Take your favorite crystal for the day
  • Have a journal
  • Go barefoot while you’re still
  • Be present
  • Connect to source, by meditating
  • High on my recommendation list for a destination Forest Bathing adventure is Damanhur, an eco-spiritual community nestled in the foothills of the Alps in Northern Italy. 

    About Liezel Lane 

    Liezel Lane’s career was forged out of the need for healing and change for herself and others. Growing up with sexual trauma, abuse and neglect paved the way for her resilience, allowing her to break the chain of suffering. Dance became Liezel’s passion and Psychology her career.

    Eventually, both were combined to create Atlanta S.E.E.Ds Inc.® which specializes in coaching girls in self-leadership and life-skills in her local community and has evolved to a larger platform as a Certified Teen Resilience Coach. Liezel takes an educated, spiritual, and embodiment approach to her life and work setting an example for others and creating a safe and healing space for herself and her family.

    • I/O Psych, M.A., CYRC, ACC, Dance Professional
    • Psychology – The science, the research and experiential learning
    • CYRC – Certified Youth Resilience Coach – Applying Evidence Based Skills to facilitating youth to not just survive, but actually thrive
    • ACC – Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation. 
    • Dance Professional – The ultimate expression of how we feel and function in the world!


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