How To Pour The Perfect (Bath) Cocktail

by Tracie Howard Dickerson

Step One

Clear The Deck – Get rid of husbands, kids, and everyone else!

Step Two

Music Maestro – Select your favorite bliss music. Mine is the 100 Senses Spa Playlist

Step Three

Set The Mood – Light candles for a glowing and aromatic experience. I love Diptyques ’ Baies, with its tangy coolness of freshly picked blackcurrant berries. blended with the lively, flowery accents of rose.

Step Four

Let It Flow – Start filling the tub with mildly hot water

Step Five

Pass The Salt – Add salts first so they have time to melt into your body of water. I use one of Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salts. A favorite is Relax & Relief with Eucalyptus & Spearmint

Step Six

Add The Oils – Add in your favorite Essential Oils for aromatherapy and skin rejuvenation. I love ‘Get Naked’ by 100 Senses for a soothing matrix of Arnica Montana, Magnesium Sulfate, Chamomile, and Calendula that rejuvenates the body. Sweet Almond and Argan Oils soften the skin and coconut-derived emulsifiers produce a luxurious, creamy foam.

Step Seven

Bubbles Please! – For extra decadence add bubbles to the mix. I often use VitaBath’s Spring Green as the last ingredient.

Step Eight

Bliss, Sip, Repeat – Depending on my mood, I’ll sip one of Bamboo’s organic cold press juices or a glass of champagne! My faves are Bamboo’s Spinach Apple which is packed with green juice loaded with chlorophyll, which strengthens red blood cells, boosting energy levels. It also contains green apples, spinach, cucumber, and lemon.


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