Smoothie of the Moment

by Ron Shipmon

BEET IT! A Smooth (ie) Start to Your Day!

Beets are an earthy, aromatic, vibrant, and (versatile) vegetable. They also have an impressive nutritional profile, they are filled with essential vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, many of which have medicinal properties. 

They are a great source of fiber, containing vitamin B9, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beets also improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, are low in calories while increasing exercise performance. And the bonus? They are inexpensive and are the main ingredient in my delicious smoothie recipe.

The smoothie maker I prefer is the Cuisinart CPB-300 Compact Portable Blender. My mother, whom I admire, was a great cook and she used Cuisinart products, so…, of course, I do as well. Besides, I find they are sturdy enough to withstand the daily rigors. 

The basic smooth composition is 1 cup liquid to 2 cups fruit. 


1 cup cranberry juice

1 cup berries (I prefer blueberries, and strawberries which are high in antioxidants, and increase good (HDL) cholesterol)

1 cup fresh beets washed and cubed 

1 tablespoon flaxseed (Gives a nutty flavor and are great for digestive health)

A slice of fresh ginger/about a teaspoon (Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory) 

Then blend, the result is a nutty, refreshing, fruity beverage. Ironically all the other ingredients elevate the natural sweetness of the beets. Oh, if the smoothie seems too thick add a little water.  

A few notes to keep it simple. I buy the beets, cube them, and place them in an airtight bag in the freezer.  The flax seeds are purchased at Trader Joe’s; a 15-ounce bag is less than $3.00. 

Have a great start to your day! 

1 Comment

  1. Karen Waller

    I will definitely have to try this. I love beets and they never get any love!

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