
motivations for self-health care, and enlightenment



Sustainability has been crossing boundaries in all areas of society for decades. The common debate is often driven by politics or involves public health issues, carbon footprints, or renewable clean energy. 

Stella’s Groove – Where’d It Go and How to Get It Back?

Stella’s Groove – Where’d It Go and How to Get It Back?

Some of us of fondly remember author Terry McMillian’s breakout novel and subsequent movie titled How Stella Got Her Groove Back. It told the story of a middle-aged woman stuck in the doldrums of her predictable and uninspiring life, up until her path crosses a strapping, chocolate young tenderoni while vacationing in Jamaica. And let’s just say, at that point, margaritas weren’t the only thing flowing.

Guided Relaxation

Guided Relaxation

This practice is great for kids (and adults) of all ages, whether they’re having trouble sleeping, stressed out, sick and in bed, or acting out. It’s based on the progressive muscle relaxation technique that Dr. Edmund Jacobson developed in the 1920s. It’s used to help alleviate tension when people are in a situation that makes it difficult for them to relax.

And Just Like That… From Jimmy Choos to MuMus

And Just Like That… From Jimmy Choos to MuMus

Exactly when does ‘Sex In The City’ begin with a trip to the pharmacy? Apparently, anytime after the half-century mark is fair game for noticing unwanted changes in our bodies. Whether in need of joint relief, or the ‘little blue pill’, aging sneaks up on all of us…



A therapeutic technique easily learned and made ritual through practice. It is the mental state of Awareness – of Being Present. Mindfulness is calmly tuning into your feelings, thoughts, and body sensations, resulting in a more peaceful state of mind. Ahh…



I’ve been moving my entire life. I came up during a time when movement was a way of life for kids, and play was physical. No matter the weather, rain, sleet, or snow – we went out to play.  Among other activities, we played Hide & Seek, Jump Rope, and rode our bikes.

Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

By Liezel Lane Time spent in nature is good for us. On the heels of a recent article in the NY Times, and a feature in last year’s...

Tai Chi

Tai Chi

The Yang style is the most popular and it consists of slow continuous, soft, and circular movements in a flowing form. To practice Tai Chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing. All forms of Tai Chi include rhythmic patterns of movement that are coordinated with breathing.