Recap from the Food & Wellness Solutions’ Launch Event at Trinity Treehouse

Mind-Blowing Happiness

After a very special day at Trinity Treehouse, where we celebrated and kicked off the Inaugural Edition of Food & Wellness Solutions, author and lifestyle coach Trish Ahjel Roberts gathered colleagues Tracie Howard Dickerson, Jennifer Harper, and Karen Harper around the campfire to focus on gratitude, meditation, wellness and how to achieve Mind-Blowing Happiness™.

Shot Caller

Temple Sophomore, Ananda aka NandiB, started cold press juicing at the beginning of the pandemic to boost her immune system. After sharing her concoctions with fellow students, she soon realized that she had created lightning in a bottle and then started a successful business, JUICEDbyNaniB. These days, she can barely keep up with demand! Since she happens to be Food & Wellness Solution’s founder Karen Harper Morgan’s daughter’s roommate, we scored shots of her popular Immunity Bay Wellness Elixir, which is cocktail’d with OJ, turmeric, ginger, and apple cider vinegar. Here’s to your health!

Charcuterie Board

Wanna wow your vegetarian and vegan friends? Try building a charcuterie board with a beet spread, hummus, and a bevy of fresh veggies, But, don’t stop there, pair it with a glass of sparkling cava for a sure-fire hit. Watch Restaurateur and Wine Aficionado Oswald Morgan show you how it’s done!

What About The Wine?!

Just because you’re eating fresh veggies doesn’t mean you can’t make an interesting wine pairing. Restaurateur and Wine Aficionado, Oswald Morgan makes a brilliant recommendation. Yep Yep!

 Meet The Founders

Food & Wellness Solutions Founder, Karen Harper Morgan and her husband, co-Founder Oswald Morgan, spill the tea. In this video, they share the decades-long journey that has culminated in this glossy digital platform. From her own health journey, paired with his 30 plus years as an innovative restaurateur, we feel their passion as they look to share all things wellness-related with our new community. Take a listen!

Trinity + Food & Wellness Solutions

After being globe-trotting business partners in the early 2000s, Karen Harper and Tracie Howard Dickerson reunite at Trinity Treehouse to introduce Food & Wellness Solutions. “I am honored to be the Editor of Food & Wellness Solutions. It gives me the opportunity to highlight the importance of Wellness, which has always been Karen’s passion. Plus it gives us both a chance to work – and play – together again!” Click to see the two and their hubbies, as they celebrate the launch of Karen’s brainchild.


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