Home Offices that Werrrrk

By Tracie Howard Dickerson

As the pandemic swept the country, American workers retreated to the comfort of their own homes. While COVID 19 might soon be a thing of the past, are workers ready to part with their jammies? Though the answer remains to be seen, we’ll share our secrets to making the most of your home office.

When Home Is The Office

Who among those in corporate America hasn’t low-key despised the maze-like rows of cubicles, the less-than-flattering lighting, and the many shades of gray that sum up most office spaces. For those who have longed to have a workspace that actually stoked creativity rather than drained it dry, ask no more!

Thanks to the COVID 19 pandemic, the majority of the U.S. workforce has spent over a year working from home. But now, with vaccine inoculation rates up and new cases down, most companies are currently evaluating what a “return to normal” means for their human resources. Decreasing on-site staffing would provide real estate and other savings for companies and the traffic and pollution reductions are cool collateral impacts for us all. According to the Society of Human Resources Management, if given a choice, 52 percent of Americans would choose to continue working from home.

A silver lining of the COVID 19 pandemic is that many employees said goodbye to institutional work environments and hello to comfy, warm workspaces, which are commutable in a pair of socks. Ahhhhh, the luxury of knocking out morning administrative work with a cup of coffee in your favorite mug, then moving to an intimate outdoor deck for more creative work in the afternoon.

Art Advisor/Curator Ron Shipmon

We caught up with Ron Shipmon, a New York-based art advisor, curator, and appraiser, who has worked from home for the last 10 years. “What is crucial is to be extremely disciplined. The home office approach should not be different than going to an office outside,” the seasoned pro shared. “I always dress properly for work. I take a lunch break, and I end my day at the proper hour. I never take my work home. When I am done for the day, I’m done; I close the office door.”

Congratulations if you’ve recently been awarded this privilege. As you design or reimagine your home office, in addition to Ron’s sage advice, we recommend that you keep the following points in mind:

Take Advantage of Natural Light – Natural light provides a boost of vitamin D, wards off seasonal depression, improves sleep, and reduces the health risks associated with fluorescent lighting.

Bring the Outdoors In – Besides being pleasing to the eye, plants also act to filter toxins, leading to less stress and improved mental focus.

Scents Matters – Scents are a powerful ally to enhance moods and increase productivity. Lavender, mulberry, black bamboo, and Genoa lemon all elicit different emotional responses, so choose one based on your job needs and personal preferences. 

Start With Function – Don’t buy or place anything decorative in your new office until you have a very clear idea of your functionary needs. When you start with function, you are much more likely to end with a more productive and visually pleasing environment.

Ron’s home office in New York City.

Of course, not everyone has the space or home life necessary to create this personal oasis. Some employees are clamoring to escape the kids, spouses, and constant interruptions and are yearning for the good ol’ days, with or without the foibles. Fortunately, many companies are currently focused on better options for space utilization post-pandemic and are looking to create more resilient and adaptable online and physical workspaces. See the links below for more insight on the emergence of home offices.

More About…Ron Shipmon

Q: What are your most important possessions?

A:  My most important possessions would be my art collection and my collection of music. My music is the soundtrack to my life and reflects all my moods, whether it’s Bach or Missy Elliot, they all occupy a space in my life. 

My art collection is like a group of old friends, timeless, and immediate, requiring my acknowledgment, each day. Each piece has a unique history and story. Some have been in my life for decades, others for just a few months.  But each piece documents my life’s journey. 

Ron Shipmon: Red Ginger MK Tan 22×30 inches watercolor on paper.

Q:  What ritual do you live and die by?

A: The ritual I cannot live without would be exercise; it gives my life balance and keeps me focused.

Q: Does having a home office ever make you feel trapped?

A:  Well, I don’t think I ever feel trapped, or claustrophobic, and I might be too busy to feel restless. But when I feel anxious, I cook. I find a new recipe. I find chopping and compiling the ingredients therapeutic, it gives me an escape allowing my mind to drift and relax. 

Whether it’s a curtain, a screen, a room divider, partisan, door, or separated room, you need to find some method to separate your work area/home office from your home life. Keep them separate!  

Q: What song/artist do you find inspirational?

A: We Fall Down, But We Get Up by Donnie McClurkin. The song teaches us that we are human and prone to human errors, mistakes, and failures. But the important aspect of life is when we fall, we should dust ourselves off, and get back on our feet, move forward, and try again. 

Susan Marie Breakers Digital Photograph 2021.

For more – – RonShipmon.com









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